WordPress plugins and themes made by rundiz.com will be here for easily to find and usage.
Name | Description | Downloads |
Rundiz OAuth | Login to WordPress without remember the password, no need to mess with a lot of multi factor authentication. Just use Google and Facebook account. | Download |
Rundiz PostOrder | Re-arrange the post order you would like it to be whether it is oldest to top, the new 2nd post to the most bottom, or whatever. This works a lot faster than other re-arrange plugins because of good optimize. | Download |
Rundiz Events | Display event list or calendar such as meeting, workshop, etc. | Download |
Rundizable WP Features | Disable WordPress features such as Pages, Media, Front-end. This plugin was created to work together with Disable Blogging plugin. | Download |
Rundiz Downloads | The files, documents management that support GitHub auto update. Provide the download link, track download files. | Download |
Rundiz Cookie Notice | Notify user to accept or deny cookie consent. It's comply with the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations. | Download |
Rundiz Font Awesome | Use Font Awesome icons from your own host/server. Update the latest releases from GitHub. Supported multiple versions. | Download |
Name | Description | Downloads |
Bootstrap Basic | Theme for theme developers on WordPress. This theme uses Bootstrap 3 and its concept is simple and contain only basic functionalities for the developers to customize or create child theme very easily and it also works very fast. | Download |
Bootstrap Basic4 | Theme for theme developers on WordPress. This theme uses Bootstrap 4 and contain the same concept as previous version of Bootstrap Basic. | Download |
You can browse all the WordPress plugins and themes source code on GitHub Rundiz-WP.