WordPress plugins and themes

WordPress plugins and themes made by rundiz.com will be here for easily to find and usage.


Name Description Downloads
Rundiz OAuth Login to WordPress without remember the password, no need to mess with a lot of multi factor authentication. Just use Google and Facebook account. Download
Rundiz PostOrder Re-arrange the post order you would like it to be whether it is oldest to top, the new 2nd post to the most bottom, or whatever. This works a lot faster than other re-arrange plugins because of good optimize. Download
Rundiz Events Display event list or calendar such as meeting, workshop, etc. Download
Rundizable WP Features Disable WordPress features such as Pages, Media, Front-end. This plugin was created to work together with Disable Blogging plugin. Download
Rundiz Downloads The files, documents management that support GitHub auto update. Provide the download link, track download files. Download
Rundiz Cookie Notice Notify user to accept or deny cookie consent. It's comply with the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations. Download
Rundiz Font Awesome Use Font Awesome icons from your own host/server. Update the latest releases from GitHub. Supported multiple versions. Download


Name Description Downloads
Bootstrap Basic Theme for theme developers on WordPress. This theme uses Bootstrap 3 and its concept is simple and contain only basic functionalities for the developers to customize or create child theme very easily and it also works very fast. Download
Bootstrap Basic4 Theme for theme developers on WordPress. This theme uses Bootstrap 4 and contain the same concept as previous version of Bootstrap Basic. Download

You can browse all the WordPress plugins and themes source code on GitHub Rundiz-WP.